Performance & Fitness Testing

Men’s Wellness Experts in Tucson, Arizona

Optimize Training and Metabolic Health with Our OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis

At The Men’s Clinic for Wellness and Vitality, we believe that unlocking your body’s full potential is the key to achieving optimal wellness and fitness. That’s why we’ve developed the OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis – a game-changing assessment that delves deep into your body’s metabolic capabilities and limitations. With the OptiFit analysis, you’ll be empowered to supercharge your training and elevate your performance. Experience the ultimate transformation, maximize your training, and discover what your body is truly capable of.

The OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis ($399):

OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis is a powerful tool that goes beyond measuring your metabolic foundations. It provides a comprehensive performance assessment, offering a detailed look into your body’s physiology. We delve into advanced metrics to give you a deep understanding of your: 

  • Aerobic Capacity (VO2 Max & Sub-Max testing): Discover your body’s maximum oxygen utilization, a key indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness, longevity, and endurance potential. 
  • Metabolic Fitness (Aerobic & Anaerobic Thresholds): Identify your unique metabolic domains to use as benchmarks for comparison and to identify custom training parameters.  Whether building sustainable endurance or pushing precise high-intensity efforts, we can identify your Aerobic Threshold (VT1) and Anaerobic Threshold (AT or VT2) for a more complete picture of your training potential. 
  • Peak Performance (Peak power or velocity at VO2Max: Understand your highest aerobic power (bike) or speed (treadmill) to help set realistic and achievable performance goals. 
  • Heart Rate Training Zones: Train smarter, not harder. Get personalized heart rate zones tailored to your fitness level, unique energy domains, and goals. 
  • Calorie Expenditure: Optimize your nutrition and weight management plan by knowing how many calories you burn during exercise. 
  • Fuel Source Insights (RER): Learn the primary fuel source (fats or carbs) your body uses at different exercise intensities, allowing you to tailor your training and nutrition for optimal performance. 
  • Lung Function (Spirometry): Assess your lung health and efficiency, a critical factor for the efficient delivery of oxygen and optimal exercise performance. Spirometry helps identify potential respiratory limitations hindering your aerobic capacity and overall fitness.

What do I need to know about The OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis?

What is VO2 Max?

VO2 max, short for maximal oxygen uptake, is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen an individuals body can use during intense exercise. It is widely recognized as a highly reliable indicator of cardiovascular fitness and endurance. A higher VO2 max suggests a more effective cardiovascular system in men, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions, and leading to better overall fitness. Those with a higher VO2 max can deliver oxygen to their muscles more effectively, resulting in improved endurance and performance across various physical activities. Notably, VO2 max serves as an important marker of an individuals longevity.

What is heart rate training?

Heart rate training is a method that puts you in control. It involves monitoring and controlling your heart rate during exercise to optimize the intensity and effectiveness of your workouts. By understanding and working within specific heart rate zones, you can tailor your training to achieve different goals, such as improving cardiovascular endurance, burning fat, or increasing overall fitness levels. Its like having a personal trainer guiding you through your workout, ensuring you get the most out of every session. In terms of mens health and longevity, heart rate training can help you maintain a healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart-related diseases. By training within the appropriate heart rate zones, you can also optimize your fitness levels, improve endurance, and achieve better overall physical performance. So, take control of your heart rate, and take control of your health.

What is the lactate threshold?

Lactate threshold is not just a scientific term but a key to unlocking your endurance potential. It refers to the point at which lactate, a byproduct of intense exercise, accumulates in your muscles faster than it can be cleared away. It’s an important marker of your endurance capacity and the ability to sustain high-intensity exercise. Understanding and improving your lactate threshold can be a game-changer for your health and longevity. Increasing your lactate threshold allows you to exercise at higher intensities for longer durations, leading to improved cardiovascular fitness and overall endurance. This can positively impact your ability to engage in physical activities, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. So, dont just understand your lactate threshold; strive to improve it and unlock your endurance potential.

What is zone 2 threshold training?

Zone 2 threshold training refers to exercising within a specific zone characterized by moderate intensity. The body primarily uses fats and carbohydrates to produce energy in this zone. Engaging in regular Zone 2 threshold training can have numerous benefits for mens health and longevity. This training helps improve cardiovascular fitness, enhances the bodys ability to burn fat, and increases endurance. By incorporating Zone 2 threshold training into their routines, men can improve their overall fitness levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase their chances of living a long and healthy life.

Why do I need to know my VO2 max?

Knowing your VO2 max can provide important insights into your cardiorespiratory fitness and overall athletic performance. VO2 max, also known as maximal oxygen uptake, is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during exercise. It is considered the gold standard for measuring cardiovascular fitness and will give insight as a longevity predictor. Here are a few reasons why knowing your VO2 max is beneficial: 1. Fitness Assessment: VO2 max can help assess your current fitness level and provide a baseline for tracking your progress over time. It can give you an idea of how well your body consumes and uses oxygen, which is crucial for endurance activities. 2. Training Optimization: By understanding your VO2 max, you can tailor your training program to your current fitness level and set appropriate goals. Training programs aimed at optimizing VO2 max typically involve establishing training zones that challenge your bodys aerobic metabolism over sustained periods. This can help increase your bodys maximum oxygen uptake and improve your power output during exercises. 3. Performance Prediction: VO2 max is a predictor of performance, although it is not the only factor that determines success. Other factors, such as lactate threshold and muscular endurance, also play important roles in maximizing performance. However, a higher VO2 max generally indicates a greater potential to perform at a high level in endurance sports. 4. Health Benefits: Regular exercise and maintaining a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness, as indicated by VO2 max, have numerous health benefits. These include improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and enhanced overall well-being.

Why is lactate threshold training important?

Lactate threshold training is important for endurance athletes because it helps improve their ability to sustain higher intensities of exercise for longer periods of time. The lactate threshold is the point during exercise where lactate builds up in the bloodstream faster than the body can remove it. Heres why lactate threshold training is beneficial: 1. Endurance Improvement: By training at or near your lactate threshold, you can increase your bodys ability to tolerate and clear lactate, allowing you to sustain higher exercise intensities for longer durations. This can lead to improved endurance performance in activities such as running, cycling, and swimming. 2. Training Intensity: Lactate threshold training helps you determine appropriate training intensities based on your current fitness level. By accurately defining your lactate threshold, you can tailor your training program to your individual needs and gradually increase your lactate threshold over time. 3. Efficiency Enhancement: Lactate threshold training can improve your bodys ability to utilize carbohydrates as a fuel source, delaying the onset of fatigue during endurance activities. This can result in improved energy efficiency and better overall performance. 4. Race Strategy: Understanding your lactate threshold can also help you develop effective race strategies. By knowing your threshold, you can pace yourself more effectively during competitions, ensuring that you dont exhaust your energy reserves too early. Incorporating lactate threshold training into your endurance training program can help you push your limits, improve your performance, and achieve your athletic goals.

Is heart rate training necessary and how will it help me?

Heart rate training is not necessary for everyone, but it can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to optimize their workouts and track their progress. Heres why heart rate training can be beneficial: 1. Individualized Training Zones: Heart rate training allows you to establish personalized training zones based on your maximum heart rate and resting heart rate. These zones help you determine the appropriate intensity for different types of workouts, such as endurance training, tempo runs, or interval training. 2. Efficient Workouts: By training within specific heart rate zones, you can ensure that youre working at the right intensity to achieve your desired training goals, whether its improving endurance, increasing speed, or burning fat. This can help you make the most of your workout time and avoid overtraining or undertraining. 3. Progress Tracking: Monitoring your heart rate during workouts allows you to track your progress over time. As your fitness improves, you may notice that your heart rate decreases for a given level of exertion, indicating improved cardiovascular fitness. 4. Motivation and Feedback: Heart rate training provides real-time feedback on your effort level, helping you stay motivated and accountable during workouts. It can also help you identify when youre pushing too hard or not pushing hard enough, allowing you to make adjustments as needed. While heart rate training can be beneficial, its important to note that it may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as age, fitness level, and individual variability can affect heart rate responses during exercise. Consulting with a qualified fitness professional can help you determine if heart rate training is appropriate for you and how to best incorporate it into your fitness routine.

Expert Guidance and Consultation:

Following your assessment, a consultation with our exercise physiologist and performance coach will unlock the insights hidden within your data. Receive personalized recommendations to:

  • Optimize your training programs for faster progress.
  • Set realistic and achievable goals based on your personal data.
  • Fine-tune your nutrition plan to fuel your workouts and recovery.

Meet Our Performance Coach:

Ken brings a wealth of experience in exercise physiology and athletic coaching to The Men’s Clinic. With a Master’s degree in Applied Exercise Physiology and certification as a Clinical Exercise Specialist (ACE), he’s dedicated to helping men achieve their peak performance goals. 

For over a decade, Ken led Fitness Appraisal, Inc. as VP of Operations, designing and delivering health and fitness programs for corporations and government agencies. In 1998, he founded Fit Stop Human Performance Lab, specializing in metabolic testing, training, and coaching for a diverse clientele, including elite and masters (over 50) endurance athletes. 

Ken’s impressive track record includes managing fitness assessments for prestigious clients like the Naval Special Warfare Group. Star Motocross Racing Team, and the Los Angeles Clippers. His expertise in metabolic testing allows him to tailor programs for optimal results. 

We are thrilled to have Ken’s expertise on The Men’s Clinic team! 

Additional Options:

DEXA Body Composition Scans

Your performance assessment can be optimized with accurate body composition data. DEXA scans are a gold-standard tool for analyzing body composition. This precise scan goes beyond weight to reveal your body’s muscle, fat, and bone mass composition. This information is crucial for:

  • Understanding Lean Muscle Mass: Knowing your lean muscle mass (muscle weight excluding fat) is vital for optimizing performance. Muscles are metabolically active, burning more calories at rest and during exercise. DEXA helps you track muscle gains and tailor training to maximize muscle growth.
  • Visceral Fat Assessment: DEXA identifies visceral adipose tissue, the dangerous fat stored around your organs. Excessive visceral fat is linked to an increased risk of health issues. Monitoring it allows for adjustments in diet and exercise to manage this risk factor.
  • Overall Composition and Performance: DEXA provides a complete picture of your body composition, a key factor in aerobic capacity (VO2 max), and overall physiological performance. Understanding your body’s unique makeup allows us to personalize training programs to achieve your peak performance goals.

Optimizing Your Health and Performance with Intracellular Micronutrient Testing

Traditional blood tests primarily assess extracellular, meaning outside the cell, micronutrient levels. However, these levels may not always reflect the amount of nutrients your cells are actually using. This is where intracellular micronutrient testing comes in. It analyzes the concentration of vitamins and minerals within your cells, providing a more accurate picture of your nutritional status. 

Here’s how intracellular micronutrient testing can benefit your health, wellness, and physiologic performance:

  • Improved Energy Levels: Many micronutrients are essential for cellular energy production. Deficiencies can lead to fatigue and hinder your athletic performance and overall well-being. Intracellular testing helps identify these deficiencies so you can address them with targeted supplementation, ultimately boosting your energy levels.
  • Enhanced Performance Optimization: Micronutrients play a crucial role in muscle function, recovery from exercise, and preventing injuries. By understanding your intracellular levels, you can optimize your training and performance by ensuring your cells have the micronutrients they need to function at their best.
  • Proactive Health Management: Micronutrients contribute to various physiological processes within your cells. Intracellular testing provides a more comprehensive picture of your cellular health, allowing for the early detection of potential deficiencies before they manifest as health problems.
  • By measuring your intracellular micronutrient levels, you can gain valuable insights into your body’s nutritional needs and take steps to optimize your health and performance.By incorporating DEXA scans and extracellular micronutrient testing into your performance assessment, we equip you with a deeper understanding of your body and its unique needs. This empowers us to create a personalized plan to maximize your training, optimize your health, and achieve your peak performance potential. Ask us about these additional options.

Unlock your full potential with the OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis. Invest in yourself; invest in your performance. 

Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Here’s how to get started:

Next Steps:

  1. Book Now: Click on the “Book Now” button and choose our Performance & Fitness Testing option.
  2. Choose a Convenient Date: Select a date that works best for you to come in for your test.
  3. Pre-Appointment Phone Call: After booking, you’ll receive a pre-appointment phone call from our team. During this call, we’ll discuss the next steps and answer any questions you may have.


Unleash Your Potential Today

Don’t wait any longer! Take the first step towards optimizing your performance and achieving your fitness goals by booking your test today. We look forward to helping you on your journey to success.

Book Now!

– Jake T.

Dr. Piercecchi and Dr. Monterrosa took my case after the first two doctors told me everything was fine. They looked at my case as a whole and made sure to get all the information. After over a year and a half, I finally have answers when other doctors told me nothing was wrong. I can’t thank them enough for everything they have done! If I could give 6 stars I would!”

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OptiFit Metabolic Exercise Analysis