The Effects of Chronic Stress on Men
Stress is a common occurrence in everyday life, and it is often seen as something that is inevitable. While it is true that some amount of stress is natural and even beneficial for us, chronic stress can have serious negative impacts on our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, men are often guilty of ignoring the… Continue reading The Effects of Chronic Stress on Men
The Importance of Having a Concierge-Style Doctor for Men’s Health and Wellness
In the past, family doctors were known for providing personalized care, knowing their patients intimately, and following up on their health issues consistently. However, in recent years, the medical industry has moved towards insurance-based models, prioritizing quantity over quality. As a result, many men have found it challenging to receive the individualized care they need… Continue reading The Importance of Having a Concierge-Style Doctor for Men’s Health and Wellness
The Pleasure Paradox: How Unhealthy Pleasure Seeking Rewires the Brain and Causes Dopamine Surges
Dopamine is a natural part of your brain’s daily function. Many people think of it as the “happy chemical” but it actually has a very complex relationship to mood, behavior, and overall brain function. It might surprise you to learn that dopamine can be harmful in excess doses, leading to destructive behavior and relationship challenges.… Continue reading The Pleasure Paradox: How Unhealthy Pleasure Seeking Rewires the Brain and Causes Dopamine Surges
How Poor Sleep Can Impact Your Health
Sleep is essential for maintaining good health and well-being, yet many men struggle to get enough of it on a regular basis. Poor sleep can have numerous negative impacts on both physical and mental health, including an increase in stress levels, a weakened immune system, and an increased risk of health problems such as obesity,… Continue reading How Poor Sleep Can Impact Your Health
Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?
You’ve likely heard about testosterone replacement therapy as a way of reversing symptoms of aging and regaining health and vitality. Although many clinics may lead you to believe testosterone therapy is harmless, there is much to be learned about testosterone therapy’s risks and benefits. Here are a few words of caution about testosterone therapy and… Continue reading Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?
It’s Not The Years In The Life, It’s The Life In The Years
Imagine yourself twenty or thirty years from now. Take a minute and think about what you will see in the mirror. Will you be overweight, skinny, strong, or weak? How old do you think you will be when you have your heart attack? What we see in the mirror isn’t representative of how healthy we… Continue reading It’s Not The Years In The Life, It’s The Life In The Years